Sophie Backstage Selfie

About me

Born and raised in Paris (But no longer a snobbish Parisian - hurray!), I left the city of lights for Asia after university. I settled in Hong Kong for 11 years where I spent most of the time working in marketing for a non profit organisation. I am now based in Dubai with my husband and my two daughters.

I’m a certified and passionate life coach, with hundreds of hours of experience. I mainly serve parents that want to build a great relationships with their children with a multicultural background.

You can usually find me in places where they serve good coffee, bubble tea or Asian food or at a improv’ show.

My Story

I am the daughter of immigrants who flew misery and landed in France. I grew up in a quite dysfunctional and unhealthy household. My parents divorced when I was a few years old, and my sister fled home a few years later.

As a little girl I already knew things were quite bad already so I swore to myself that I would never forget how it is to be a child, and that I would never become a serious and boring adult who never listen to children (Unlike Peter Pan in Hook!).

I also developed a sense very early on that I had to be the good girl, to put my head down and work hard in order not to cause any further troubles to my parents and make them proud. And this is what I did for a large part of my life. To escape my reality as a teenager I found a boyfriend, but it was another complicated relationship. I learned so much from him but after almost 8 years I couldn't take it anymore. I was terrified to the idea of being alone as I built my identity around him and I was relying on him for so much in my life. I eventually listened to my guts and stopped it.

I started another relationship and moved to Hong Kong. Those were quite happy and carefree days… Until we got married and had our first child. Motherhood hit me like a tsunami, most of my beliefs collapsed. I felt so lonely, weak and not enough more than ever. My entire world was upside down and I wasn't ready.

At some point I had no job, no social life, no direction in my career, my relationship with my husband was at it lowest, and I felt like I was failing my baby girl… I knew I didn’t want her to go through what I went through as a kid, but I wasn't sure what to do. I realised that I wasn't listening to her and that I didn’t keep my childhood promise. (Ouch! )

That's when I took my first life coaching course, fulfilling a secret dream of mine to work in the service of other people's well being. And the first time I coached… WOW… I fell in love with the practice. Few months later I got my advanced certificate in life coaching, gave birth to my second baby girl and moved to Dubai.

I took another coaching training there and 2 hours into the course, I fell in love again with coaching and I thought to myself: “I want to stay in this chair forever, I don't want to leave this room!!!”

Fast forward: I had some very tough conversations, set many boundaries. I forgave my family for what they did or didn't do, even if some will never ask for it… I am continuously working on myself, I still have tons to work on but I have come a long way!

I’m now listening and trusting my daughters, which wouldn't be possible if I wasn’t listening and trusting myself in the first place. So I can proudly say now that I’m honouring my promise - breaking some generational trauma here YAY!

Now I’m even going beyond my promise as I’m serving others in finding their own voice.

In my clients’ words


Advance Certificate
in Life Coaching

Certified Co-Active Coach